Monday, August 28, 2006

Bush Addresses the U.N. - tells the world no 911 discussions00:15
Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories regarding the attacks of September 11...Because if nobody questions us then we will get away with murdering 3000 Americans in order to go on our Mideast oil Crusade - Yeah I said it!
911 UN bush questions controlled demolition bolton false flag terror afghanistan iraq iran syria lybiaAdded: 2 months ago in Category: News & BlogsFrom: bush911videoViews: 15,203
31 ratings

when Bush enters a BAR00:48
1 day agoFrom: nicloaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaViews: 20,386
81 ratings


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HH Blowhard: U.S. To Supply Nuclear Weapons To Iran?

Hurricane Harry
Reporting from Beyond The Wall

8:46 PM  

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